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  • Writer's pictureKaylee Burk

Peek in to My Life

Hello, I'm Kaylee owner and photographer behind Hello Beautiful. I've always had an interest in photography and have been shooting wedding/engagement sessions since I was 12 years old. My parents are both photographers of their own wedding photography company so you could say it's in my blood.

Aside from photography I have a wild family and not enough energy to keep up so coffee is a must. On the weekends if I'm not out taking photos, I'm at home building LEGO's with my three step sons or binge watching Gilmore Girls while editing.

I love to travel and hope to be able to take my photography business on the road one day. I want to travel to all 50 states by the time I'm 50. I have been to Arkansa, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Oklahoma, Colorado, New York and of course TEXAS. A few of those states I don't remember to well as I was little but I'm counting it!

10 random facts about me:

1. Gilmore Girls is my jam.

2. I hate birds, especially pigeons and geese.

3. If I quit photography tomorrow I'd love to be an event coordinator.

4. I have never been to a concert.

5. I love the snow! I've lived in Houston, Texas my entire life, from womb to now so I've only experience snow a handful of times but man do I grin from ear to ear every time.

6. I'm obsessed with Mexican food.

7. I love being in the water, floating the river or swimming is where I live in the summer.

8. I'm 1,000% a night owl.

9. I have an extreme fear of heights, it makes my hands tingle just thinking about it.

10. I've always had at least one dog my entire life.

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